Qualifier for 2022 Alberta Youth Chess Championship (AYCC) in Edmonton and 2022 Canadian Youth Chess Championship (CYCC) in Hamilton, On.
Top players will be awarded travel grants to AYCC. Players need to score 50% or more (eg, >=2.5 points for 5 rounds) to qualify for 2022 CYCC.
Due to the limited space, we no longer accept registration from 11am on Mar. 18.
Parents are not allowed to stay in the building, except the parents of very young kid (U8) with organizer's approval.
Thank you for your understanding.
Entry fee: $25
Format: The exact format of each section will depend on the number of participants but players should expect to play 5 games.
Time control: Game in 15 minutes with a 5-second delay.
Tie-breaks and awards: immediately after the completion of the last round.
Tie-Break Rules:
1) Head to head (if all those tied played each other).
2) Buchholz (Sum of all scores of opponents).
3) Buchholz cut 1 (Sum of all scores of opponents except the lowest point scorer).
4) Sonneborn-Berger (Sum of all scores of opponents you won against and half the scores of opponents you drew).
5) Most wins.
6) Most games with black.
Special rules: Up to two half-point byes in Round 1-3 if requested prior to start of Round 1. No agreed draws are allowed before move 25. Players are not allowed to talk to anyone (including parents, coaches, and other participants) except the TD during their games. It is forbidden for players to have cell phones, or other electronic communication, computer, or media devices in the tournament room.
Prizes in each section
1st place: $70 travel grant and a free entry to 2022 AYCC, 1st place trophy.
2nd place: $50 travel grant and a free entry to 2022 AYCC, 2nd place trophy.
3rd place: $30 travel grant to 2022 AYCC, 3rd place trophy.
4th-5th places: medals.
Top Girls (total of 3) will be titled for each section: top girl trophy, $30 travel grant and free entry to 2022 AYCC.
If top girl ranks in top 3, she will only get the top 3 trophy and the second best girl will get Best girl trophy. All the other participants will receive colorful chess pieces.
2022 AYCC will be held in Edmonton on April 23-24. Travel grant holders must provide receipts to be reimbursed for their travel expenses.
To be eligible for travel grants, a player must have particiated minimum of 3 CJCC monthly events (tournaments or chess schools, coaching in chess school or chess-in-library also counts) between September 1, 2021 and April 22, 2022.
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