By-Laws of the Calgary Junior Chess Centre (Last Amendment Date: June 14th, 2020)


1. The name of the club shall be the "Calgary Junior Chess Centre" (“CJCC" or “Club” shall hereinafter be synonymous with "Calgary Junior Chess Centre").

2. “Junior” and “Youth” shall be any players age 20 and under.

3. “Scholastic” shall be any players grade 1 to 12 and

4. “Regular monthly tournaments” shall be from September to June.

5. “Championship season” or “special tournaments” may occur at any time throughout the year, with a date and format to be determined by the Club President, although the President may delegate this responsibility to another officer of the Club. The “Championship season” may include the following tournaments: CJCC Knockout Championship, CJCC Undisputed (Classical-Match) Championship, CJCC Club Championship, CJCC School Team Championship, Calgary Regional Chess Challenge, and Calgary Youth Chess Championship and any other tournaments decided upon by the Executive.

6. “Members in good standing” shall be parents and players who have not been suspended or expelled from the Club.


1. The annual membership fee shall be $10.00 for players who complete the membership form. Annual Memberships are free for parents and coaches who provide the secretary with their name and e-mail address. Parents and coaches who wish to take part in the AGM, make resolutions, be nominated for the Executive and have voting privileges must volunteer for a minimum of 3 CJCC-sponsored events OR have a child partaking in a minimum of 3 CJCC-sponsored events within that membership year.

2. To maintain their membership in good standing, players, parents and coaches must provide their name and email address to the Secretary of the Club.

3. The CJCC shall purchase an annual membership in the CFC in the name of the current CJCC President.

4. The CJCC may purchase up to 2 additional CFC memberships on behalf of 2 other current members of the CJCC Executive, after such resolution being moved and passed at a regular Executive meeting.

5. Members may be expelled from the CJCC for:

a. Failing to pay the annual membership fee,

b. Failing to provide the Secretary with a current name and email address.

c. Conduct unbecoming of chess players, or which brings the Club into disrepute.

6. Players, parents and coaches who are members in good standing shall be able to participate, make motions and vote at the AGM, and will be eligible for nomination to the Executive.

7. A portion of the CJCC membership fee shall be forwarded to the Alberta Chess Association (ACA) so that all members of the CJCC shall be members of the ACA.

8. All members are encouraged to become members of the Chess Federation of Canada although this is optional, not mandatory. The cost of the membership can be found on the CFC website:

9. Members of the Club can voluntarily withdraw from the society at any time and have their name(s) withdrawn from the membership list upon notifying the secretary.


1. Regular monthly tournaments will be open to all junior members of the Club and shall be sectioned by rating when numbers warrant it.

2. Junior tournaments shall be open to members of the Club age 20 and under, and shall be sectioned by rating when numbers warrant it. There may be a Girls section when numbers warrant it.

3. Youth tournaments shall be sectioned and played by age bands as follows: U8, U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, and U20. Adjacent sections with fewer than 4 players may be combined at the discretion of the Tournament Director (TD).

4. Scholastic tournaments shall be sectioned and played by grade level. Adjacent grades with fewer than 4 players may be combined at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

5. Schools will be encouraged and assisted in holding tournaments at their schools. These may be sectioned by grade or by rating as numbers warrant and at the discretion of the Tournament Director.

6. Tournament Directors shall submit a budget prior to any tournament and have it reviewed and approved by at least 2 members of the Executive.

7. The Tournament Director shall provide to the treasurer an income/expense report and money for deposit within 2 weeks after the tournament completion.

8. The Tournament Director shall post a schedule prior to the tournament and shall make players and parents aware of any necessary changes to the posted schedule.


Entry fees to the monthly CJCC tournaments (4-7 rounds event) shall be $15 for regular tournaments and $25 in championship season, with possible discounts, etc. left up to the tournament director (early/late, siblings, etc.). The entry fee of the CJCC School Team Championship will be left to the tournament director’s discretion. The entry fee for provincial qualifying tournament(s) will also be left to the organizer’s discretion.


1. The Club shall hold its annual general meeting (AGM) on the second Sunday of June of each year (usually held at the end of the championship season). Notification of the date and location shall be given to all members by email at least a week before the AGM. At this meeting members in good standing shall be elected to fill the executive positions. Members in good standing who are eligible to vote must have attended the Club for at least two months before this meeting. Any executive vacancy occurring during the year may be filled by the appointment of the executive until the next annual general meeting. The quorum at the annual general meeting shall be not less than ten (10) members, not including board members.

2. Members may propose additions to the Agenda for the AGM with at least 1-week notice by email. Items may be added to the Agenda from the floor of the AGM by a motion that has the support of two-thirds of the eligible members present.

3. The Club shall hold at least 2 board meetings throughout the year to discuss any club business. Members of the board shall be notified of the date, time, location, and agenda of the meetings by email at least a week before the meeting. Board meetings shall be called by the president (*including replacement/substitute of president) or secretary. The quorum at the meeting shall be not less than three (3) board members, including at least two of: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

4. If a quorum is not present at the proposed meeting, then the meeting shall continue, but no votes may be taken.

5. Members may make a request to present items or issues at a board meeting by sending an email to the President, who shall make due consideration of the request.

6. Special meetings of the Executive may be called at any time by the President with 1 week notice through email. The quorum of the Special Executive meeting shall be the same as for regular board meetings.

7. Special meetings of the Club may be requested by any Member who produces a petition with the signatures of at least 25 members in good standing. Upon the presentation of this petition, a Special meeting of the Club shall be convened as soon as possible with at least 2 weeks’ notice of the date and location sent by email.


1. The executive shall consist of a Past-President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Honorary Director(s), up to four Directors, up to four Junior Representatives, Chess School Coordinator, Tournament Coordinator, and Coordinator of Chess in the Library each holding office for a term of one year (with the exception of the immediate past-president who can stay on the board for more than 1 year).

2. The Past-President will normally be the immediately previous President, unless that person is unavailable. In that case, another previous member of the Executive may be appointed to the position.

3. Board members are not remunerated for the work that they do on behalf of the Club.

4. Members can remove directors and officers from the board at a Special meeting, called with the presentation of a petition requesting the removal of that person, signed by at least 25

members of the Club and passed by a two-thirds majority of the eligible voters at the Special meeting.

5. The immediate past-president and Honorary Director(s) shall be voting members of the board and eligible to participate in board meetings.

6. The President, Secretary, Vice-President, and Treasurer shall possess signing authority. The President and Treasurer shall be the primary signing officers. If either the President or Secretary could not sign, then the other two officers can fulfill this responsibility.


(a) The President shall work with the Secretary to call and prepare the agenda for all board meetings.

(b) The President shall chair all meetings.

(b) The president cannot vote in any meetings, except in the case of a tie-breaking vote.

(c) The president shall work to improve the CJCC’s relationships with other chess organizations, including Chess In The Library, the Calgary Chess Club, the Roving Chess Nuts, the Alberta Chess Association, the Chess n’ Math Association, and the Chess Federation of Canada.

(d) The president shall work with the local junior coordinator to prepare the dates/location/tournament director of Calgary junior chess events (i.e. tournaments, etc.). The president shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that these events are run successfully.

(e) The president shall determine the format of the CJCC championship cycle. The CJCC president shall determine cash prizes or funding to the champions (knockout, club, undisputed, and closed) to represent the Club in tournaments outside the city.

(f) The president shall appoint a chairman and two members in formation of any ad hoc committee (commission).

(g) The president shall seek other forms of funding in the form of sponsorship or donations.

(h) An experienced adult executive member can assist the president’s affairs if the president is under the age of 18.


(a) In the case of the absence or inability of the President to act, the Vice-President shall assume presidential responsibilities. In the absence of the president and vice president, then a meeting may be called to elect a president.


(a) The secretary shall record the minutes of all club and executive meetings.

(b) The secretary shall see that these minutes are kept up-to-date and circulated to the members of the board through email no longer than a month after the meeting.

(c) The secretary shall collect and receive any membership fees. Such money shall be promptly turned over to the treasurer for deposit.

(d) The secretary shall keep a record of all club memberships (i.e. address, telephone numbers). It is the duty of the secretary to make a database with the contact information of current players.

(e) The secretary shall work with the president to call and prepare for all board meetings.


(a) The treasurer shall receive all the money paid to the Club and shall be responsible to deposit them in the bank.

(b) The treasurer shall present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the executive whenever requested including board meetings and annual general meeting.

(c) The treasurer shall work with the Calgary Chess Club’s treasurer in regards to the CJCC’s funding request, rating invoices, etc.

(d) The treasurer shall make sure that there is at least $500 in the CJCC’s bank account at the end of the year.

(e) The treasurer shall make sure that no more than 20% of the entry fees are used as a cash prize fund, and only if a 20% profit is ensured after revenue and expenses are calculated.

(f) The treasurer shall review the revenue and expenses of tournaments to ensure that all tournaments make a profit.

(g) The treasurer shall pay an honorarium of $20.00/day or $20.00 CJCC credits for regular season TD and $40.00/day or $40.00 CJCC credits for championship season TD.


(a) The tournament coordinator shall work with the president in deciding the date/location/tournament directors of Calgary junior chess events (i.e. tournaments, etc.).

(b) The tournament coordinator shall be responsible to ensure that that club Tournament Directors have sent all appropriate and timely tournament reports, memberships and fees to the Chess Federation of Canada and Chess n’ math association.

(c) The tournament coordinator shall solve any issues arising in Calgary junior chess events (i.e. complaints).

(d) The tournament coordinator shall work with the Alberta Chess Association (ACA) in improving chess for Calgary.


(a) The directors shall attend meetings and vote on any motions.

(b) The directors shall do inventory check at the end of the year.

(c) The directors shall create and distribute promotional flyers and monthly newsletters.

(d) The directors shall email all players in regards to upcoming tournaments. Directors shall arrange email promotions.

(e) The directors shall endeavor to list all tournaments on CJCC, ACA, and Chess n’ Math websites as appropriate. Directors shall make sure that the CJCC website is kept up-to-date.

(f) The directors shall endeavor to direct at least two tournaments each throughout the year.

(g) The directors shall arrange ordering awards (i.e. medallions, trophies, etc.) and/or any club materials.

(h) The directors shall arrange engraving of the permanent trophies (i.e. school team and club championship trophies).


(a) “Honorary directors” shall be any executive members who have served on the board in at least two different positions for at least two years. This title must be approved by at least two-thirds of members in good standing. Honorary directors can participate and are eligible to vote in any club meetings.


(a) The minimum age of junior representatives shall be 12.

(b) The junior representatives shall perform a survey to all juniors in the Club.

(c) The junior representatives shall present a summary of the survey and any problems brought up by juniors in a board meeting.


1. The books, accounts, and records of the Club shall be audited at least once each year by two members of the Club (who do not have signing authority) elected for that purpose at the AGM. If none of the auditors are elected, the Board may appoint two members in good standing as auditors.

2. Any member of the Club may ask to inspect the Books and Records of the Club at any time and shall be allowed to do so within a reasonable time frame.


1. No member of the Club or the Board of Directors may borrow money on behalf of the Club.

2. At present, the Club does not have a Seal.

Any personal information collected by the Calgary Junior Chess Centre for the Annual Membership is only to be used for the purposes of the CJCC and the Alberta Chess Association. This information will be stored in a Canadian database accessible only by the Executive of the CJCC, and by the ACA. This information is not to be shared with any other organization. This information is to be renewed each year, beginning in September. Any information not renewed within 1 year of the expiration of the membership shall be removed from the database.


Upon the dissolution of the CJCC and after payment of all debts and liabilities, the remaining assets of the CJCC shall be distributed to the Alberta Chess Association (ACA).


1. Altering, rescinding and adding Bylaws can only be done by special resolution at an Annual General Meeting.

2. The amendments to the bylaw may be proposed by any board members, or club members. The amendments to the bylaws must be passed by 75% of the eligible voters at the meeting. If club

members request an amendment to the bylaws, then they would have to present the motion at the AGM, along with the names of the mover and seconder.

3. Minor changes (i.e. capitalization, correcting spelling and grammar), shall be permitted without the need to vote by our club members.

Calgary Junior Chess Centre 

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