2020 AB Junior Championship

Championship section participants: FM Ian Zhao, Aditya Raninga, Maxim Vasic, Hemant Srinivasan, Paul Wang, James Windram.

Restriction: only Alberta Resident (for at least 6 months) Juniors born after Jan 1, 2001 are eligible.  

CFC Quick Rated. 

Tournament Directors: Chief Tournament Director: International Arbiter Vlad Rekhson 

Assistant Tournament Director: Roy Yearwood

Schedule:  Sunday December 20, 2020, 1:00 pm

Format:   6-round Swiss on lichess.org 15min/5 second incremental, 5 minute breaks between rounds. 

Zoom Video Monitoring: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2637817252?pwd=U0RMeUZ1eVJiWnF6cXd0MWhDNmZZZz09 

Meeting ID: 263 781 7252 Passcode: ABchess

Registration: Register to the tournament on this page. Registration will close at 10pm on Dec 18th Friday!! 

Entry Fee: Before 10 PM Dec 13th $10 afterwards until registration deadline: $15.  Cancellations are possible until 10 pm, Friday, Dec 19th.  $2 fee will be deducted from the refund to cover transfer of funds cost. 


1) Championship (6 players by invitation, see details at the bottom)

2) Open/Girls/Under 1300/Under 800

Rules for Open/Girls/Under 1300/Under 800:  This year all those sections will play in one tournament, however, the prizes will be different.  

Prizes:  Since everyone will play in the same tournament, players in lower sections will also be eligible for higher section prizes, so for example; a 600 player can win any section up to Open.  Girls are eligible for the girl prize or any of the other section prizes where they belong by rating.  

Only one prize per player, in case that a player is eligible for more than one prize, they will win the highest amount.  In order to avoid a situation where someone can win two prizes of equal value, all prizes have been made different.  

Higher of established (24 games or more) CFC Regular or Quick Ratings will be determinded for prize eligibility.  Players who have no rating will be eligible for Open/Girls prizes only.

Prizes will be given in Amazon Gift card vouchers sent out to the email provided in the registration.  

Only one prize per player, in case of a tie the highest rank according to lichess.org tie-breaking criteria will be used to determine the prizes.

Open Girls Under 1300 Under 800 Unrated
1st $50 1st $40 1st $30 1st $25 1st $15
2nd $32 2nd $24 2nd $20 2nd $12    
3rd $17 3rd $14 3rd $11 3rd $10    

Top 3 places finishers in each category will receive a certificate of result sent electronically.

Procedures for playing

1. Join Alberta Chess Association online Team at: https://lichess.org/team/alberta-chess-association.  When joining the team please put your real name.  

2. All players must log in the Zoom room by 1 pm, December 20th which is 15 minutes before tournament start and keep LIVE VIDEO on througout the tournament. The Zoom displayed name must be changed to the "Player's name_lichess ID". Players who are in the tournament but don't show up in the Zoom room will get their score FORFEITED! The tournament directors will be monitoring and will ask the players to show themselves if their video is off. Players are not allowed to record the meeting at any time during the tournament. It's recommeded to use a PC or laptop and SHALL NOT use a cell phone to play. 

3. If using an iPad to play, it's recommended to use a separate device to log into Zoom. The preferred angle is to show the player from side and show the lichess screen. They will be muted unless requested by the TDs. 

4. Players are allowed to move around when they finish their own games or during round breaks. Bathroom and chat is only allowed during the round breaks. During play communication is only allowed with the Tournament Director and only if something is urgent.

5. FAIR PLAY AGREEMENT. Parents, please talk to your children about ethical play online. Signing up the event means the players have read and accepted the clauses in the AGREEMENT including the consequence of cheating.  The fair play agreement is listed at the end of this document.

6. All results are considered unofficial until the post-game review is done, which will take 3-7 days. All games may be reviewed by the TD's. Suspicous games will be reviewed by the Tournament Commitee designated by the Board, as well as sent to lichess for further analysis. If cheating is discovered and confirmed, the player's ID will be reported to lichess. The offending player's score in the tournament will be forfeit and the player will be referred to ACA conduct committee for further review.  The current ACA cheating policy is:

a) two year ban for first offence 

b) lifetime ban for second offence

The conduct committee may decide on a different penalty

7. Get familiar with Swiss Tournament rules at lichess.org/swiss. ACA is not responsible for any loss due to the chess platform system issues or loss of internet connection.

Championship Section Rules:

6 player Round-Robin with pairings determined 3 days before the start of the competition.

Eligibility: Top 4 players by rating, plus winner of 2020 Calgary Regional Junior and 2020 Edmonton Regional Junior.  In the event that a regional is not held the highest junior from that region not already qualified by rating will be invited.  Replacements will be made by rating.  

Qualification Rating:  Top established rating (at least 24 rated games) achieved from Jan 1-Dec 1, 2020.  The highest of CFC Regular and CFC Quick Ratings will be taken into account.  

Activity: Players must have played in at least 2 CFC tournaments from Alberta since Jan 1, 2019, or in at least one if it was: AB Open, Northern AB Open, Southern AB Open, 2019 AB Junior.

Confirmation of participation:  Participants must confirm participation by: December 6th, 2020

Time control: G15/5 sec increment

As lichess.org doesn't allow special Round Robin pairings, the players will have to challenge each other manually.  The following procedure will be used:  

1) Player with the white pieces creates a challenge by Clicking on: "Play with a Friend"

2) Choose the following settings: Variant: "Standard", Time Control: "Real Time", Minutes Per side: "15", Increment in seconds: "5", "Rated" and Choose the White colour at the bottom.

The player with the black pieces will need to accept the challenge.  At the beginning of each round the Tournament Director will inform the players what is the estimated start time of the next round, if both players are done with their previous game, the next one will start as soon as possible after the completion of the previous one.  Each player will be guaranteed a 5 minute break between rounds.

Video Monitoring: In the Championship section the participants must have 2 video displays.  One of themselves and another at an angle which shows them from the side, as well as, their screen.  

Prizes: (In Amazon Gift Card Certificates)

1st: $100

2nd: $60

3rd: $40

Top 3 finishers will receive certificate of result

Sun, Dec 20, 2020

Alberta Chess Association


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