Have you ever thought of becoming a tournament director? If so, a golden opportunity will present itself on April 2. On that date from 12-5 pm, Vlad Rekhson, our resident International Arbiter will be hosting a TD workshop. As for what it entails and if the participants get to write a test to become a TD, this is what Vlad answered in an email.
For TD workshop in the past some people attended just to learn the rules and others wrote the test. Those who wrote the test and passed were eligible to become national arbiters which allows them to direct FIDE rated tournaments. For those who agree to direct at least one such event in the next year ACA pays the NA fee.
12PM-12:30 introduction and duties of Tournament Directors.
12:30-2:30 tournament rules of chess.
2:30-2:45 break
2:45-4 pm pairing systems and Swissys pairing program.
4 pm-4:30 pm prize fund distribution
4:30-5 pm Review and questions.
5-6 pm Optional National Arbiter Test.
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