Halloween Tournament

2023-10-29 By Lili Ou
Yesterday we had a very special event, a Halloween chess tournament. Excepts our regulate trophies to top 3 players and top girls, everyone had a Halloween balloon.
The beginner section finished 5 rounds quick Swiss games and 3 players are tie with 4 points. According to our tie-break rules, Mason L finihed 3rd, but Joel H and Nicolas H were completely tie in 6 rules. They had to do a single round-robin but still tie. Two players decided to do Armageddons game and Nicolas won the 1st eventualy. Shraddha A. receives top girl.
In the Intermediate section, Ethan L won his 1st place with a perfect score 5/5. I believe he will join the Open section for his next monthly tournament. Sokolov brothers, Alexander and Daniel secured their 2nd and 3rd places with the same point 4/5.Kaisa T was the top girl. She beat Alexander in her first round.
In Open section, 3 players received 4 points. Based on the tie-break rules, Based on the tie-break rules, Ansh J. won 1st and the 2rd place was Rishi B. Nicholas M finished the 3rd place. Liubov S was the top girl with 3/5 point.
Published at 2023-11-01 09:57:32 by G WU

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