This event will consist of  3 round quads of regular rated games. Players will be grouped in sections of 4 from highest rated to lower rated. Notation is required. This is NOT a beginner event. Players will need a non provisional CFC rating of 600 and to be able to demostrate knowledge of notation.

New members please complete registration throught step 1 to 3. Active members please go to step 3.

Registration Cap Maximum registration 74

The registration will be closed as soon as the cap is reached OR by 10:00 PM on Oct 26th, whichever comes sooner. On site registration is not premitted. If you are interested in attending after the registration closed, please contact We will try our very best to accommodate. However, the spot is not guranteered.

Step 1: 

All participants must have a CFC (Canadian Chess Federation) ID. To find out the player's CFC ID number visit: and enter your name.  If you have never played official tournament chess in Canada, you will need to create a free account on the CFC website which will allow you to have a CFC number.  In order to join visit:

Step 2: 

Please make sure you have renewed your 2024-2025 membership or sign up to become a member via link:

Step 3: 

Click the "Register" button in the upper right corner to complete registration. The member ID on the next page is our membership ID/club ID (the number you requested in step 2). If you don't remember, search by Membership-membership-filte

Sections: Players are placed in groups of 4 according to their ability. If there are not enough players in a section, TD may merge adjacent sections.

Schedule:  Beginner and Intermediate Sections likely finish around 5:00 pm. Open Section likely finishes around 5:30.

    • 10:00 – 10:15   Registration/Check-In (Players who arrive after 10:15 will be removed from the list and refunded)
  •         10:30                 3-round tournament begins

Volunteer sign-up:  Volunteer will be refund the entry fee

Head Tournament Director: Summa Lai

Time Control:  60min and 30sec incremental

Prizes: Prizes to be awarded end of year

Fees:  Annual Membership $10. Tournament Fee $20.


We recommend parents of players 8-year-old and under stay on site to supervise your children Also, please kindly notify the volunteers at the front desk if you decide to pick up your kids before all rounds are completed.

Sun, Oct 27, 2024

Summa Lai

Renert School portable building (Brightminds building)
14 Royal Vista Link NW, Calgary

Calgary Junior Chess Centre 

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