Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! CJCC have had a few changes to the schedule
-The New Year’s Rapid tournament will be in January 19th at Renert Brightminds
-The Calgary Youth Chess Championship has moved to February 1st and 2nd at the University of Calgary at ICT 114. Venue availability was the reason for the change
-Chess in the Library dates have been updated on the website
CFC Ratings
Parents and players may have seen a significant change in their CFC (chess) ratings, with some increases as high as 400 rating points. The reasoning is that CFC is trying to match FIDE ratings, more info can be found here: https://www.chesscanada.info/forum/showthread.php?6586-CFC-2024-Ratings-Adjustment&p=47863#post47863
Calgary Youth Chess Championship – Registration Open
Calgary Youth Chess Championship will be held at the University of Calgary at the ICT building in room 114. It will be a 2 day tournament, we are currently working on timing format but it will be a regular rated (slow) tournament. The reason for the change from the rapid tournament format is to match the Canadian Youth Chess Championship time format and provide a taste of the environment they will play in. To qualify, players will need to score 50% or higher. CJCC will host other qualifying events in future months.
Canadian Youth Chess Championship (July 8-11, 2025)
For those planning on travelling to Surrey, BC for CYCC, please note that the hotel is filling up fast. Double beds are unavailable with only king and twin options. I would recommend booking a room now with the option of cancelling if not required. (https://juniorstomasters.site123.me/2025-cycc-accommodations)